No real long post or thoughts on this, just some quick points and strategies I think we'll see tonight and what each will need to do to "win."
Trump is going to seize on the 10.8% murder increase as a sign that the country is more dangerous. The details don't really support that, but still, expect him to hit this point early and often.
Clinton, likewise, will seize on the 5% income bump in middle class earnings as her "Things are getting better, yay!" moment. Again, devils are in the details here, but debates are broad strokes at best, policy wise, and reinforcing the feelings in the headlines is going to both candidates strategies either way.
Trump is trying to look like a big boy by releasing a white paper on economic policy that has all the usual prescriptions- tax cuts, deregulation, etc. etc., he'll try to make this into a "new" thing. Clinton should hammer it home that we've already had that with Bush the Younger and it failed, miserably.
For Clinton to win this debate, she has to to stick to policy and what her own policies will do. If she makes the debate about Trump and his shenanigans like the Republicans did in the primaries she'll lose just like the rest of them. You can't out cheap shot him, so to win this she has to stick to the high ground and run circles around him in policy discussions and results. If she tries to trade barbs with him, she's screwed.
Trump, on the other hand, will do everything he can to make sure the opposite happens. He'll bait Clinton with the Crooked Hillary jabs and other bullshit like he did last year with Little Marco and Lyin' Ted. When those candidates and the moderators tried to corral him, he stuck to his insults and made it look like everyone was just ganging up on him because he was speaking truth to these people and nobody wanted those things said. The more playground he can make it, the more he'll have a chance of winning.
I'll update later with some of the low-lights to talk about how they did, and where this sad circus will go from here.
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