Today marks Trumps 100th day in office, a benchmark that campaign Trump promised would be filled with glorious making America great again achievements but one that President Trump is complaining is an unfair and arbitrary marker dreamed up by the lying media to drag him down. Trump continues his habit of being the last person in the room to figure out a basic element of his job, like, it's hard. Who knew?
Trump may also be feeling down since he's finishing out his honeymoon period as literally the most unpopular president in history, but, if I were him, I wouldn't feel so bad about it; because for as bad as he's doing, the Democrats are doing even worse. The same ABC/Washington Post poll showed that only 52% of the Democratic base believes the party is in touch with the needs of common people. Again, that's not voters as a whole, that's the Democratic faithful saying their party is widely out of touch with their needs. The sad part of all this is it's not even a mystery as to why this is happening; for thirty years now the Democratic strategy has been to rail loudly against the social discrimination towards the poor and disaffected on the one hand while enacting economic policies that ensured they would stay poor and disaffected. It makes sense, in a way, if you ensure the downtrodden always exist, you'll have a reliable voting block. The idea that enacting popular, leftist polices that actually makes peoples lives better is a way easier path to getting votes is apparently a delusion best left to the college students before they can "grow up."
Watching the Democratic party through these first 100 days, the thing becomes glaringly obvious is that they really don't realize that they are a party in need of a serious revamp, instead they're doing everything they can to ignore that fact. You would think losing almost every state legislature, governorship, both houses of Congress, and the presidency over the last eight years, that self-reflection would be impossible to avoid, but these assholes have found a way. The final nail in the coffin should be the section of the ABC/Washington Post poll that showed that if the election were held again, today, Trump beats Clinton 43-40 because more Democrats than Republicans regret voting for their candidate and given the opportunity, Democrats would vote for someone else. Let that really sink in for a moment: After a 100 days of bumbling idiocy from the Trump Administration, the Democratic Party would still lose because their own base couldn't stomach voting for Hilary Clinton again. If there's a clearer sign out there that you've completely lost your base, let me know, because I can't think of anything.
And it's not like there isn't a viable way out of all this staring them right in the face. The popularity of Bernie Sanders isn't because of who he is, it's because he advocates for policies that are, surprise surprise, really popular with the American public. And sure, Tom Perez is currently doing a "Unity Tour" with Sanders to try to draw all his voters back into the Democratic fold, but this is somewhat undercut by the, surely spontaneous, hit pieces against Sanders in Slate, Salon, The New York Times, and the Washington Post. It sorta undercuts the DNC's message that they're willing to work with Sanders and listen to his voters when the usual Democratic media outlets suddenly start spewing out pieces about why no one should be listening to Sanders or his shitty little podcast.
This is especially stupid in the face of two special elections that, per traditional Democratic thinking, have no business being competitive. The special election in Kansas was determined by 8,000 votes, and the special election in Georgia is set for a run-off in June after the Democratic candidate received 48% of the vote. Getting nail-biter elections in deeply Republican states and districts should be enough for the DNC to go "Yeah, okay, this could work," but, I guess not. You can't expect the party ostensibly on the left side of spectrum to actually run leftists and progressives, that's just crazy talk.
Thankfully, if the people at the top won't get with the program, there's growing evidence that the voters themselves will throw them out to the garbage where they belong. Dianne Feinstein recently got hissed and booed at her town hall when she said she wouldn't support a Medicare-For-All single payer health program. It seems the Democratic voters are finally waking up to the fact that if they want the party to represent them, they actually have to force them to do it. Good thing too, because while it seems unlikely, eventually someone will emerge from the cesspool of ignorance that is the Republican party and figure out a way to get all of that horrific shit done. So, if we want to stop that from happening, we'll need to save ourselves, because no one else is really lining up to do so.
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