Sunday, May 8, 2016

Democrats work to win election, lose country

The Democratic party has been in something of a celebratory mood since Trump locked up the Republican nomination. The general idea is that since Trump is literally the most hated candidate in political history Hillary Clinton can then ride that resentment of minorities (and Republican donors) to the White House. What the Democrats seem wholly uninterested in answering is what becomes of the country once Clinton tries to govern it.

A point that is mentioned but largely dismissed by the entire liberal elite is that the only reason Hillary isn't the most despised person in politics is that the stars aligned for Trump to win this time around. This is not a strong position to do much of anything, obviously, and even if Trump's candidacy wreaks enough havoc on down ballot candidates for Republicans to lose Congress, you can expect a level of obstruction that could exceed what happened in Obama's presidency.  Naturally, this will lead to the same gridlocked, useless Congress and it won't be very hard for the public to transfer its animosity for that gridlock and determine that Hillary is a bigger problem than Republicans and vote her out after four years.

If all that sounds too doom and gloom, remember that when people are asked just what it is they don't like about Hillary the answer is and always has been that they just don't trust her. That factor will cripple any and all PR moves she makes when the country starts to disintegrate under the economic stagnation and political polarization that Hillary has no plan or strategy to resolve. Truthfully, I don't think she or any of the DNC flunkies even realize what's waiting for them if Hillary should win; she is the living embodiment of our political system, one that sells out the public to the rich so loyal political servants can gain wealth and power for themselves. She is the closest thing America has to an aristocrat, and putting her in the White House almost ten years after the biggest economic crisis since the Great Depression ( a crisis where 95% of the recovery went to the 1%, remember) will only drive people into a higher state of anger when they are constantly reminded that she and Bill got paid $150 million by the very banks that ruined millions of lives and suffered no consequences for doing so.  It's a situation that is inevitably going to boil over, and she is totally incapable of stopping it.

Hillary's major weakness is and always been that she cannot hide what she is; she's never had the charm of her husband to show up on something like Arsenio Hall and have it come across as anything other than pandering (her "Hot Sauce" moment was such obvious and painful pandering it almost makes you feel sorry for her that she fails so badly at it. Almost, but not really.) In a country that is increasingly divided about politics and policy but universally more distrustful of the government and government institutions, a Clinton presidency will only inflame those feelings until someone, somewhere, finally throws a brick through a window. When that happens, the world will finally explode, and who knows what comes after that.


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