Friday, May 6, 2016

The Pall Settles In

Donald Trump is going to be the Republican nominee for President of the United States.  Republican voters looked and listened to the man who is pretty much the exact Republican stereotype (racist, sexist, completely ignorant of the rest of the world and can't pronounce correctly any country that's not America) and thought to themselves "Yes! Our Great Orange Hope as finally arrived!"  Then, 10.6 million people cast their vote for him, making him the second most successful primary candidate in the party's history.  So remember, Republicans wanted this.  Trump isn't a fluke and he's not a prank, he is the man voters have chosen to embody all they stand for and hope to be.  So if you have any sense that something really important about who we are and what kind of people we can be just died a sad, lonely death, you're right.  And that's the problem.


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